Since 1970
1-17-12, Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031 JAPAN
TEL(+81)3-3562-5736 FAX(+81)3-3561-7080
Lightness, beauty, strength, etc....Aluminum is a dream metal with such
many excellent characteristics.
Our company is a publisher running after the dream.
Our mission is to transmit aluminum information to professionals in the field of aluminum industries, and its affiliated areas, including engineers, researchers, salespersons, managers, and economic analysts etc. by publishing activities.
"Kallos" means "beauty" in Greek.
Beauty contains not only means of merely saying "its' beautiful" but also meaning of "truth", "goodness" and "excellence" in philosophical concept.
We are aiming at suitable work for such splendid words.
All of the publications are written in Japanese, except "Theories
of Anodized Aluminum 100 Q & A" and "Aluminium Semi-Fabricators
of the World".
monthly, B5
64 pages
\12,600 annually
General magazine on aluminum
weekly, B5
8 pages
\45,000 annually
News flash magazine on aluminum industries
The Journal of Architectural Products
monthly, B5
32 pages
\36,000 annually
Market resarch magazine on aluminum building materials
Handbook of Aluminum Surface Treatment Technology
by Kallos Publishing Co.
\26,250, A5
1,444 pages
All kind of aluminum finishing technologies is compiled into one book.
Handbook of Advanced Aluminum Technology
by Japan Light Metal Association
\35,679, B5
1,322 pages
All the available data on advanced aluminum technology is compiled into one book.
Handbook of Advanced Magnesium Technology
by Japan Magnesium Association |
\22,000, B5
512 pages
All the available data on advanced magnesium technology is compiled into one book.
Theories of Anodized Aluminum 100 Q & A
by T. Sato, K. Kaminaga
\8,600, B5
248 pages
This book explains the "WHY" of various concepts for aluminum
surface finishing technology.
Aluminium Semi-Fabricators of the World
19 classification
This directory describes aluminum semi-fabricators such as rolling, extrusion, foil, slug, impact etc. worldwide.
Handbook of Aluminum Casting & Forging Technology
by Japan Light Metal Association
\37,719, A5
1,400 pages
Advaned aluminum casting and forging technology is compiled into this one
Aluminum Alloy Die Casting
by T. Kanno & T. Uehara
\9,800 A5
578 pages
This book describes defects of aluminum alloy die-casting and its countermeasure
Aluminum Information Data File
by Kallos Publishing Co.
B5, 200 pages
This book is very useful in getting the fundamental knowledge of aluminum industry for business-man.
The Directory of Aluminum Companies in Japan
by Kallos Publishing Co.
\35,679, B5
1,014 pages
This book introduces the profiles of about 2,000 companies in Japan.
The History of Aluminum Smelting Management in Japan
by Group 38
\2,549, A5
408 pages
This is the story of aluminum smelters in Japan to collapse.
Countermeasure against Inferior Aluminum Welding 100 Q& A
by J.Matsumoto
\3,675, A5
165 pages
Manual of aluminum alloy welding.
Light Metal Alloy Forging
by T. Morinaga, T.Takahashi
\5,775, A5
184 pages
This book explains the theories of aluminum welding in plain terms.
Textbook of Magnesium
by S. Morozumi
\2,349, A5
76 pages
Do you know about this practical wisdom on Magnesium?
Under brushing up